Reports from the Field

Hey guys, So sorry it's been several weeks since my last post. Thank you to everyone who has followed along and taken time out of their busy days to read my strange ramblings.... I can't believe that we're closing in on less than three weeks till I head back home. The time has simultaneously flown and also crawled. We have not made as much tangible progress as we hoped, but we also have learned an incredible amount, and I can definitely say I have a much better sense (and appreciation) for this field site and what lies in store for potential future endeavors. I guess I'll back up and explain the most recent excursions: Last Friday : A.A and I took the ferry out to the island of Contadora in the early AM again, and when we arrived we ran into the fisherman (Tito) who had taken us out on his boat to look for whales the previous visit. We went out again for an hour with him (only saw 1 whale this time 😥), but afterwards we sat with him for 15 or so minutes and atte...